Location scouting: GBGB’s

They DID actually turn CBGB into a clothes store! We changed the name to avoid offending the owners.

They DID actually turn CBGB into a clothes store! We changed the name to avoid offending the owners.

The year CBGB’s closed, its front sign was featured in the New York State official travel commercial. I always shook my head at that. “Come to New York, and look at the closed gate of Historic CBGB’s.” The club closing was another one of those nail in the coffin moments, because no matter how disgusting it was, the place should have hit a landmark status before allowing it to go under. It’s only a worldwide brand. I always loved going there and vowed early on to myself that someday I would put that horrible toilet in a story.

Chris took me to the spot were CBGB’s used to be and the clothes store that now inhabited the place. We don’t see a lot of the clothes store in the comic, apart from the bathroom (which I made up), so most of my reference photos were useless. I did get some shots on the street that made it into the comic and got a feel for the place. The 1990’s bathroom was based on photos from the internet. I rolled back the level of grafitti a little bit – I had to or I’d still be drawing those scenes!

The CBGB bathrooms, 1992.

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